What A Little Birdie Told Me...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lake Powell 2012

Lake Powell is one of my favorite trips. You play hard and sleep well... and get up super early to get the calm silky water before anyone else! I am starting to like water skiing much more than I like wake boarding, Iv'e had a couple of bad falls and it all leads to a huge headache an hour after. Lake Powell is seriously a paradise to me, one person mentioned on the trip, I hope there is Lake Powell in Heaven. Some new traditions were created this year. We attempted to make a slip n slide, when getting a rug burn on the plastic tarp we decided to join groups and use another family's slip n slide. It had about a 6 (+) ft. jump at the end. There was no way no one would clear it and land in the water. Mom decided try it out and she cleared it! We played this game on the tubes called flying squirrel. Basically you get behind the boat and have to switch tubes twice before you start playing. Then once everyone leaves and gets on their tube twice then you partner with your tube mate and have to get the other people off the tube (like king of the tube) than once you do that it is between you and your tube mate if you are the last two on the tubes. Do everything you can to push them off and then you win!!! It is so fun! Another tradition we started was yoga with Linda. We got up early and did our stretching. It was very relaxing. For breakfast I made MANY MANY smoothies. All kinds of smoothies: Peanut butter & chocolate smoothie, Green smoothies, fruit smoothies, basically I blended everything we had. It was fun, and I am sure we will do it again next year. The food we eat a Powell is amazing, we all agreed that it is one of our favorite parts-- playing hard and then eating like nothing else! We always eat well at Powell :). In the evening we pull out some games and one of our favorites is Mexican Train. It is easy to play with the family and easy to understand, and pretty competitive. We had a great time and I I get to go back in a couple of weeks with my husband's family ;) Jealous???


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