What A Little Birdie Told Me...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

5K Girls Utah Runner

So I am in Utah for 6 weeks for Chris's rotation at the Moran Eye Center, I haven't written a journal update because we have been so busy with family. I had to write this one event down so I wouldn't forget it. So when we signed up for this race I thought to myself, "I'm going to win." Not only because it is fun to win, but because there were prizes for the first place finisher. Race day came and I was wearing the black and pink shirt they gave us with a sparkly headband. I was stretching and talking to some of the other girls I knew. The woman who put the signs up for the 5K was explaining the directions saying, "When you get to the cone turn around then make your first left..." Meanwhile I had my earbuds in not paying attention to anything she was saying. I thought why listen when the signs are going to be placed around the block showing us where to go? I was wrong. As the gun was shot, I took off--first one of the girls. I was huffing and puffing up the big hill and took a glance behind me, and I was a good thirty seconds away from the first girl. I got to the top of the hill where the water station was and some workers were at the table. The sign said right but I thought I remembered that I needed to turn around at this point. So I asked them. They said I am not sure but I would follow the sign. I was going to wait for the other girl behind me to catch up but I was like nah I'm not letting her catch up to me. So I booked it down the hill and before you know it I was on mile 2, a couple of minutes in front of the other girls. I looked behind me and no one was in sight! The sign said to go straight but it was the opposite direction of where we started the race. Turns out the ladies told me the wrong way, so I led the whole 5K group astray! I guess I should have paid more attention, but who would have thought? So I go a back way and end up running 4.5 miles. I am middle to last finisher, coming behind my mom. They were like where were you!? She followed me as well, but took the first right and cut over instead while I was still following the signs, the signs for the half marathon! Well let's just say I blowed some steam at the lady telling her to organize this better, but I still got my prize even though my miles were 10 min paces (I took several breaks to see where everyone was!) 
Chris and I went to Park City this weekend to get a way and celebrate his rotation! He did such a good job this month and I am so proud of him. Waking up at 6 o' clock and not getting home until 9 is tough. I can't believe residency is going to be like this but we will make the most of it. Play hard and work hard. So we decided to go mountain biking. It was a pretty tough course for a beginner, and extremely crowded! I need to learn to get enough speed to go over random things in the small dirt trail...branches, rocks, small rodents, etc. After the bike ride we went to downtown PC where we ate at my mom and dad's first date restaurant they went to. Pizza and Pasta! Now the weekend is over and Chris is sleeping, he deserves it :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lake Powell 2012

Lake Powell is one of my favorite trips. You play hard and sleep well... and get up super early to get the calm silky water before anyone else! I am starting to like water skiing much more than I like wake boarding, Iv'e had a couple of bad falls and it all leads to a huge headache an hour after. Lake Powell is seriously a paradise to me, one person mentioned on the trip, I hope there is Lake Powell in Heaven. Some new traditions were created this year. We attempted to make a slip n slide, when getting a rug burn on the plastic tarp we decided to join groups and use another family's slip n slide. It had about a 6 (+) ft. jump at the end. There was no way no one would clear it and land in the water. Mom decided try it out and she cleared it! We played this game on the tubes called flying squirrel. Basically you get behind the boat and have to switch tubes twice before you start playing. Then once everyone leaves and gets on their tube twice then you partner with your tube mate and have to get the other people off the tube (like king of the tube) than once you do that it is between you and your tube mate if you are the last two on the tubes. Do everything you can to push them off and then you win!!! It is so fun! Another tradition we started was yoga with Linda. We got up early and did our stretching. It was very relaxing. For breakfast I made MANY MANY smoothies. All kinds of smoothies: Peanut butter & chocolate smoothie, Green smoothies, fruit smoothies, basically I blended everything we had. It was fun, and I am sure we will do it again next year. The food we eat a Powell is amazing, we all agreed that it is one of our favorite parts-- playing hard and then eating like nothing else! We always eat well at Powell :). In the evening we pull out some games and one of our favorites is Mexican Train. It is easy to play with the family and easy to understand, and pretty competitive. We had a great time and I I get to go back in a couple of weeks with my husband's family ;) Jealous???


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chris Turns 27!

Chris always forgets how old he is. I have to remind him, "You're 27!" Oh ya. He said once your passed 21 it really doesn't matter. Does that mean my birthdays won't matter anymore? I guess also at 27 things just start falling a part... Chris's running shoes ripped while he was playing basketball at the gym, his soccer soles are completely off, his car had maintenance issues, and his computer is hanging on its last thread. I guess 27 is just that age.
Only one more week until we are in Utah! I am so excited! I had a strategic game plan in my head on how to ask Dan if I could possibly work my internship in Utah. I must have had a convincing argument because he agreed! I actually did not see it coming, 6 weeks working remotely? Now that is commitment. Well, on the plus side I will be busy, making money, and be able to go back and have a job. On the down side, it was not the vacation I was craving but I think it is for the best in the long run. We always make the best of when we see each other. We see each other on the weekends and then say Sayanara on the weekdays. But that is almost to an end, thank goodness. After this week, we will pretty much be together...except when he goes out for interviews...although those are not too long :). We went to Schlitterbahn for his birthday like we did last year. Except this year we went to the Schlitterbahn in Galveston. This water park was so much better than the one in New Braunfels. We had to wait 2 hours for one ride last year compared to this year we got on all the rides the first hour. The water park is priceless. Seeing all the big Texans strut their stuff like it's nobodies business. The lazy river though, that is a whole other story. There is this certain area of the lazy river where there is a current that makes a huge wave. Everyone lines up right before it is about to go. I saw the menacing look in Chris's eyes that gleamed, "I'm going to destroy you." Oh that poor lady. She had her glasses and shoes and everything on her. They met eyes and Chris pushed her with the current making her do a backflip in her tube and loosing all her accessories. I saw the whole thing, the only witness. Oh that poor lady, she just didn't know what was coming. She will probably never go on the lazy river again. There was one ride in the park no one was going on. It had no lines but the ride next to it had about a 20 min. wait. We ran up to the one no one was in line, and it was the best one of the day! I don't know why there were no people in line  but I think the asian lifeguard working there was a little confused when we kept showing up. Later that night we went to Kemah and saw some fireworks. The fireworks were so much better than the ones from 4th of July. We also got a free piece of cake from a restaurant we went to eat at. So we shared it on the pier entranced by the fireworks, I hope it was a good birthday. Not to mention Chris got his sandals and blue ray that he wanted so badly :). This week we were saddened to here about the homicide in Aurora Colorado. I woke up that morning on Chris's birthday for him to tell me there was a shooting on his birthday. I couldn't believe it. We had bought tickets for Dark Knight Rises and didn't know if we should go. I don't know how a person gets to that point where they just want to shoot harmless civilians. 
Lewis and Jesse came to Galveston to make fajitas and watch the Dark Knight Rises, not to mention I baked my first pie in honor of Chris's birthday. It's always a good time with those two. I forgot how cool IMAX movies are, I felt like I was in the movie. Was it too soon, it was the question pending in everyones head. The gunshots in the movie echoed in the theatre making the movie even more scary. I guess you really are never safe. 
Can't wait for next week!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mom comes to Austin

I was so happy to see my mom in Austin this weekend. Although it was a short trip, it was a much needed trip, I missed my mom! Most of the weekend was stormy with lots of rain and lightning. We ended up going to two movies and getting movie butter popcorn :). We saw The Amazing Spiderman--Not very good, maybe if I was 13 & we also saw Snow White and the Huntsman--very dark and who would have known Kirsten Stewart is Bella in this movie too? On Saturday, we woke up early and went on a run in Zilker Park. It was finally sunny and we were dodging people on the trail, guess they thought the same thing. My mom is a runner! She is running a half marathon in September in Cotton Wood Heights. She signed me up too, so hopefully I can adjust to the altitude. After we ran, we went to the Farmer's Market. I think a lot of people thought it would rain, so it wasn't as busy as it usually is. We got some ripe red tomatoes, kale, rosemary cheese curds, peach salsa, cantaloupe mint lemonade, and some other goodies. We also went shopping downtown, and got the boys some little trinkets and "weird" things from Austin-- "Keep Austin Weird". Our soccer game was canceled, so we ended up going to a movie. After church on Sunday, we went to Mt. Bonell, the highest point in Austin. We then drove around to see the pretty houses in the valley. I love that area, if I could live anywhere in Austin it would be by Lake Austin. Monday, Mom and I went and got pedicures.I missed my mom, it was such a fun girls weekend!


Friday, July 13, 2012

July 4th 2012

This past week I went to visit Chris in Galveston. I knew I would have a lot of alone time so I brought my sewing kit, sushi maker, and new book. Ya, didn't get to any of those. Galveston was even more crowded this weekend because one it was fourth of July and two because of Pleasure Pier. We passed up Pleasure Pier and decided to play in the water and go swimming. Lewis and Jesse came down from Houston and brought some tasty marinated steaks. Chris and I did shish kabobs and I made of course my favorite guacamole. Earlier that morning we ate at one of our favorite breakfast places. It is a hole in the wall and we all got the same famous item on the menu the, "Sorpresa Burrito" Chris chimes in when we order "Surprise!" the old mexican lady laughs. It is made of deliciousness including egg, a huge tortilla, beans, bacon, cheese, potato. Oh so good! We indulged in tasty food all day while swimming under the Galveston sun. That night we went to the beach and watched fireworks while looking over the ocean. It was a memory to remember. Chris bought many fireworks so we went back to the apartment and made our own firework show. A couple of our neighbors wanted to watch and join in. We couldn't surpass the little girl's twinkling eyes as Jesse and I held our sparklers and were waving them in the air. We let off rockets, and blasters, and exploders...I have no idea what the fireworks are called I'm exactly opposite of a pyro. 
Oh just so adorable :)

Old looking monkey

Cheetahs! I wish they could run around...Maybe they should have a track to run around and people can run with them do get us motivated...haha

Good ol' Texas Lonestar Flag

arrgh we are pirates

Pleasure Pier Galveston

On the weekend we went to Houston to hang out with Jesse and Lewis. We saw there cute apartment and Jesse's garden which inspires me to do one...if only I had room...and I think our plants would get burnt because our apartment faces the sun basically all day. We went to the Houston Zoo and saw the red panda (looks like a fox). My favorite were the monkeys! There were these monkeys that looked like grandpa's. Lewis poked one with a stick and the monkey gave Lewis an evil eye. It was pretty scary I don't want my grandpa to ever give me an evil eye like that. We then went to Maggiano's an italian restaurant. I didn't know it was a nice restaurant so we were the only group that was not dressed up. It was a fun weekend in Galveston! I just hope Chris has more groceries next time... :)