What A Little Birdie Told Me...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Graduation 2012

I have been at BYU now for two and a half years and I am graduating this spring...Can that be right? Indeed, it is. By taking Independent Study in Austin this last semester and going spring and summer the last couple of years everyone who is anyone can graduate as early as they want! It is not necessarily that I want to graduate school early. I actually love school, you can call me a nerd. I love to learn and meet new people. But my other life is in Austin Texas with my husband and I am trying to graduate so that I can have one life and not two lives (One in Utah v. One in Texas). This is the longest we have been separated via six weeks. Which is pretty much unbearable. Especially since you go from single to married to single again...that's not right!

I had an epiphany this week. I tended to look at this whole graduating early thing in a negative way. Most of you would think I was crazy, how could graduating early be such a bad thing? But when you have to leave your friends, family, & school behind for something unfamiliar as living somewhere new with new friends, new apartment, newly weds, new possible job...it can be tough. We can all live in our comfort zone but I think we grow the most when we get out of our comfort box  and see the world.

So my epiphany is that graduating early is a good thing! This way I can have a whole year to get more experience and do an internship in advertising and be able to improve my portfolio that way in a year I will be able to land a great job. Wednesday, was the career fair and some of the best advertising agencies came to BYU to meet with us. This includes: RGAWieden and KennedyOgilvy and MatherLeo BurnettSapient Nitro, &  The Richards Group some of the best advertising in the world! So if you have ever seen any Nike, Gatorade, Chick Filet, Converse, Coca-Cola, Chrysler, Dodge, Kraft, Old Spice, Target, Girls Scouts, Verizon, Fiat, NikeID, & American Eagle advertisements then you must certainly have heard of these agencies! NO? What? That is because most people don't realize that separate advertising agencies do BIG BRAND in-house advertising. I want to be able to show my portfolio to these agencies and get a job at one of the BEST of the BEST.

Being married to a med-student means that there are many choices that are to be made. Like, choosing what type of medicine you want to practice & where residency will be. The options are endless. And those of you who know me, know, that I don't like to procrastinate and I am not one to be very patient...so this of course is where it gets tough on me, especially when finding a job. The good thing is is that we can end up ANYWHERE in the nation in a year. Oklahoma, New York, San Francisco, Oregon and that's why I want to be able to work for a great agency like one of these ones.

Whew is that is...so much talk about work and no play? Of course there is play, this is my play, I love it! I love being able to strategize with campaigns and create new possibilities. It's exciting and everyday is always new, you will never be bored! SO if any of you can not declare a major and keep vacillating. I can say you will not be disappointed :).

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blogging Time

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. It has been a treat to be able to design and set up the way I like it to be. The name Wishful Dandelion came to me when I was thinking about how to name this blog. I this it is cute but also defines what I want in the future. I believe this blog will help me with my goals, attributions, creativity, and personal fulfillment. Thanks for looking and hopefully I can hope y'all too with whatever questions you may have.